Friday, July 03, 2015


               On the first day of college, I woke up quite early, took a shower, had my sahur and a chat with my roommate. I got ready as quickly as possible, in order to catch our Sidek bus that would take us to the college. Along the way to our destination, I had mixed feelings – all anxious to experience my new life in college and wondering on what type of people I would be surrounded by, whether they are easy to get along with, whether they are helpful and nice. Suddenly I was fascinated by the colour of a building that stood tall in front of the bus. I was thinking what could it be, not knowing that was the premise where I would be spending my next three years there.

               Walking through the gate, I was telling myself, this is a new chapter in my life, I have to be independent unlike those days in school when most of the things were guided by parents and teachers. Entering the orange building, I overheard seniors sharing their moments during their semester break while lecturers and students exchanged greetings. They seemed so comfortable with each other. On the other hand, I was feeling so all alone not knowing where to go since I did not know the location of my class. Furthermore, I did not know anyone there. I look all around me when I noticed a security guard telling a student to wear his identity card. Then I realized even though we don’t have any specific dress code, it was compulsory for us to wear identity card wherever we are within the compound. Then, I came across someone that happened to know where my class was.
               As I entered my class, I saw emotionless faces. I did not know what to expect from them. So, for a moment I decided to be alone and sat at a corner in front of the class. I observed that boys were easier to get along with each other than girls. Suddenly, a girl sat next to me. This is the perfect chance for me to make friends, so I gathered my guts to greet her and introduce myself.  She responded.  After a while, a young lady entered the class. At first, I thought she was one of us. When she started to stand in front of the class, greeted and welcomed us before briefing on the course contents and all, I realized that she was our lecturer. In school, we could differentiate between students and teachers by the way we dressed but here in KPTM, we are free to dress as long as we stick to the rules and regulations of the college. Among the things she emphasized on was there would not be any spoon-feeding anymore as we were used to in school. She gave us advices and tips on how to excel in whatever we do. Everyone seemed motivated by her talked. Later, the emotionless faces when I first entered the class turned to happy faces as one by one introduced ourselves to the class. Since then, we tend to know each other better.

               We dismissed on the first day eager to face the upcoming days with more experience. Before going back to our hostel, I decided to have a look around the college to familiarized myself with the facilities available, so that it makes my times there easier. Finally, for the first day I walked to the gate again to hop on to Sidek bus that would take me back to the hostel with a new goals and determination to strive for the best at KPTM KL and to have good friends as the saying goes “you are who your friends are”.  The first girl that sat next to me is my best friend so far.



Written by : Haras, Dayana, Izleen, Suraya

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