Saturday, September 12, 2015


There is one song that keeps on repeating on my phone: Fight Song, sang by Rachel Platten. Thanks to my friend, Lina, whom introduced me to this amazing yet powerful song that I am addicted to now. Wherever I am at, I will listen to it, just to constantly boost my mood up. So madam, please give it a listen. Though I did not elaborate it much, but I am sure this will be your next favourite song, then we will have something in common!

So, lets review the song! Rachel Platten, not only sang it but she did composed and wrote this by herself through her experience. I googled her and the background of the song to found this, “I wrote ‘Fight Song’ when I was at a crossroad in my life: on the outside there was a lot of hard stuff going on and a lot of reasons to give up on myself, but through writing the song, I made the decisions to not listen to that small mean voice that was telling me I wasn’t good enough. I decided to keep believing in myself no matter what.” I can clearly see and understand that she once faced up with so many challenges that she could not endure it, but she get the courage to fight it back. So, this song is the summary of how we should act when bad people are circling our life. 

Even Taylor Swift loves the
I wont be reviewing the whole song, but here is my favourite part, the chorusgoes,“This is my fight, song. Take back my life, song. Prove them alright, song. My power is turned on, starting right now I will be strong, I’ll play my fight song. I don’t really care if anyone believes, ‘cause I’ve still got a lot of fight left in me.” This lyrics are so powerful. Based on this lyrics, she wanted us to make this song as part of our motivation to fight challenges and don't let it influence our life too much that we will become loser. I am a normal teenager that is currently facing up with a lot of new challenges. I do give up sometimes and feel that I am the only one having problems. But after I give a listen to this song, I feel that the singer tries to send us messages that currently I am not the only one facing problems and that I can solve and defeat them one by one. I am stronger that I am now.

(Here is the music video of "Fight Song" I took from Youtube. Enjoy!)

So whenever I am down or having a bad day, I will be playing this song to motivate me that I won’t let myself down just because of the negativity of the people surrounding me. There is a quote that I love, “If people are trying to bring you down, it only means that you are above them.”.

Written by : Dayana

Wednesday, September 09, 2015


My favourite quote is  ' I just feel complete when you're by my side' . It has many definition that we can think and know. We can say that we are falling in love with someone special , or we cant live without our parents ?   Hahaha... yeah I love my parents and I just feel comfort with them. I can share my stories with them , making jokes , watching television together and cooking maybe. Oh I miss my parents so much . They will understand me if I have some problems that I cant solve by myself.

When I was kid, im very naughty girl. Heee.. I don't like to go to tuition, because I don't like the teachers. My father very straight and I always get punishment from my father. My father is a TUDM army. I had to do many exercise maths , english , science and bahasa melayu if I want to play outside in the evening. For the first time I don't like my father does like that, then when my upsr result get straight A , im very thankful to my father. He is my idol and I very admire him.

My mom is very talkactive and likes to cook. She will try new recepies likes baking cakes, cookies or cooks traditional foods. Im adore her because she can does many works in one time. She wakes up in the early morning, to make breakfast for family. Sometimes I imaging, can I be like her when im become a mom oneday? She is supermom and the best among the world . Appreciate them before theyre not longer in this wold. I miss and I love both of them .

written by : nurul anis suraya binti suraimi