Wednesday, September 09, 2015


My favourite quote is  ' I just feel complete when you're by my side' . It has many definition that we can think and know. We can say that we are falling in love with someone special , or we cant live without our parents ?   Hahaha... yeah I love my parents and I just feel comfort with them. I can share my stories with them , making jokes , watching television together and cooking maybe. Oh I miss my parents so much . They will understand me if I have some problems that I cant solve by myself.

When I was kid, im very naughty girl. Heee.. I don't like to go to tuition, because I don't like the teachers. My father very straight and I always get punishment from my father. My father is a TUDM army. I had to do many exercise maths , english , science and bahasa melayu if I want to play outside in the evening. For the first time I don't like my father does like that, then when my upsr result get straight A , im very thankful to my father. He is my idol and I very admire him.

My mom is very talkactive and likes to cook. She will try new recepies likes baking cakes, cookies or cooks traditional foods. Im adore her because she can does many works in one time. She wakes up in the early morning, to make breakfast for family. Sometimes I imaging, can I be like her when im become a mom oneday? She is supermom and the best among the world . Appreciate them before theyre not longer in this wold. I miss and I love both of them .

written by : nurul anis suraya binti suraimi

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