Sunday, October 18, 2015


Dear Madam, 

          Don't be surprised of seeing this letter I am writing for you. How are you? Do you started to miss us already? The naughty and cheeky us that loves to make you mad? Here, I am going to open up my experience being with you for these 14 weeks.

          You did leave a good first impression to me. The moment you walked into class, I thought you are one of us, student. I told myself, "Wow! She is so young! I bet she is still in her 20s!". Although until now I still don't know how old are you, but you do look like a new lecturer. I'm not making up stories or try to lobby your heart, but this is a true case. So, the moment you start to talk and introduce yourself  makes me wonder where did you went for your university. Because you do have accents while speaking and teaching us. I bet you are an overseas graduate. 

           Moving on, you are indeed a funny, cheerful and lovely lecturer. Although you did not have the intention to make us laugh, but you always did. You are one of us. You understand us as if you are in the same boat as us. You encourage us to try our best in everything, you motivate us and you support us in whatever we are doing. Seeing you smiled and laughed at Sadik's jokes and during roleplay make us happy. You do have such a sincere smile and you always laugh wholeheartedly. 

          On behalf of the others, I am sorry on everything that we had done which make you mad at us. During these 14 weeks, thanks to you, we had gain so many knowledge. We all had fun being in your class and posting our journal and essay on the blog. Alhamdulillah, we have completed our course. But time flies so fast that I can't attend your class anymore. 

          Till now, madam as I need to study for the upcoming final examination, and currently I am struggling hard on your subject! Wish us luck! Hope you are in pink of health and see you real soon!


1 comment:

  1. Awww.. this is the sweetest love letter I have ever read. Thanks bunch dear. It is a tough semester for me but this class never failed to make me smile every time during teaching session.

    It was a good experience to be one of your lecturers. Its true, this is my first time teaching 1st semester and teaching this subject, as most of the time I teach degree students and semester 2,3,4 tesl students. Therefore, forgive me if I didnt give my best in delivering the lesson.

    I wish everyone could do well in final exam and get great pointer for this very important first semester. Have a nice semester break and enjoy your holiday with your loves one, wisely!

    -Madam Azida
