Tuesday, August 18, 2015


               She is my mom. Maybe for other people, she is just a regular mom, but for me, she is so much more.  She handles and take cares of our family. Her name is Wan Nidzar binti  Wan Embong. She is 5’4” inch and weight for only 52 kg. Although she is small and petite in size, but trust me, she can do everything and anything.
               She has a pair of small and slanted eyes that people always mistaken her as a Chinese woman, and thanks to my mom, I took that gene from her. She has tan skin, rosy cheek and the most beautiful smile anyone can wear. My friend always praise my mom and says, “Your mom is a nice person, she loves to smile, she has the sweetest smile ever”.

              My  mom is an organized person. She would clean all of the house and make sure everything is in place. She teaches me how to do household chores too. Although sometimes I complain that why only woman do all the work and handle the family, but my mom will tell me that everything that we do, we should do it sincerely without any complains.

              My mom is a strong woman. She did every single thing in the house. Every day, she is the earliest person to wake up and start to cook breakfast for our family. When I was in primary school, my mom will cook variety of food in the morning for me to pack them to school. Then, she will start to clean herself up and go to work.  Around 1 o’clock in the afternoon, she will go back home and start to cook again for our lunch. Then she will dress me up for my Agama school.

               At night, she will make sure that l finished up my homework.  My mom was a clever student, hence, whenever I can't solve my exercises, she will teach me until I understand all of them. I can still remember, my mom will take a week or two of leave from her work during my UPSR, PMR and SPM time just to make sure she can fully helped me. A month before that, she will make notes and print it for me. I am thankful for all of her sacrifices just to make sure that I am fully prepared for my exam.

               Thanks to my mom, I get straight  A’s for my UPSR and PMR, but not for my SPM. I cried so much and scared that my mom will be frustrated with my result. But surprisingly, she still congratulate me and said I did well on my exams. She encouraged me that SPM is not everything and not the end of the world. Later on, she helped me on applying universities and colleges. Thanks to her again, I get matriculations in science, foundation in law at UiTM and Diploma in Accounting and Finance at KPTMKL. I was confused to pick which course as I wanted to become a doctor at the same time a lawyer too.  But my mom told me that I should choose accounting line as she knows if I pick  the other two, I would be stressed out so much. She knows my capability and strength so well. She said that I can do well in accounting line too.

              Every single problem that I face, she will listen to them carefully, teach me, give me her opinions and will always be by my side and encourage me that I can face them all. She will tell me that I am a strong person. The quote that my mom always tell me is, “Allah won’t test you beyond his or her capabilities.” And that is what makes me strong till now.

             Thanks to Allah, He lend me a good, loving, caring and understanding mom. Without her, I wont become a person I am right now. Mama, thank you, you are my supermom.

Written by : Intan Dayana

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