Monday, August 31, 2015


Have you ever been in an embarrassing moment before. What is your feelings?. Everyone look you and laugh to your problem .How can you hide your face during that situation. In your brain, just hope this moment never happen. How you need to move on when things happen in front of your friend and teacher ? huhuhuhuhu! It was embarrassing indeed.

Image result for embarassing moment
It started a few days after I registered at a new primary school, named Sekolah Kebangsaan Selat Pulau as student grade 1. During school I had a new naughty friends and have the same behaviour like me, all the same head. My friend call me  Haras ..

In the class room, all student talked, play, run and sleep when teacher not arrived . After a few minutes, teacher come in class and started teach . They all open the book and gave time answers a question subjects english. Teacher pick some student in random to answer and go forward . I had been selected and my friend go forward. We must read question and answer one by one. After my turn,  I can’t answers that, I feel scary ,restless and shy in front of my friend. Teacher asked me why can’t answer ,but I just keep silent and feel like crying with pants wet with urine.

Did not think anything, I just run from class to toilet and locked door. I cried inside toilet and called my mother's name .Teacher persuade me to open the door and out from toilet ,but it was unsuccessful because my friend laugh at me and I feel shy. After teacher surrender, she call my mother to come to school to help them .My mother came and I decided to go out. My mother hug me and I feel be protected and thus not shy anymore . The school gave me permission to returned home with my mother. The next day, my friend keep on laughing at me about what just happened yesterday.

This is the embarrassing moment that I can’t forget .I hope this thing will  not happen anymore. It make me scary and become phobias to speak other languages . Unforgettable, I am scared to talk during answer and question by teacher and make me hate english . Until now!!!

Written by : Haras

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